Weekly Blog - A2/Week 4
We are now over halfway through this half term and we now have just three weeks left until Christmas. In this week's blog post, you can find a reminder of the key events that are still to come before we break up!
Slipper the Dog has been visiting school this week and it's safe to say, he's been a big hit! With plenty of tricks and lots of love, he has been spreading joy around school, as well as meeting lots of pupils! We will be sad to see him go but we are really looking forward to his next visit already. We hope he enjoys visiting all of the other schools in Southport, as much as we have enjoyed having him here this week!
Christmas Tree Decorations Donations
If you are putting up your decorations this weekend and end up with any spare unwanted decorations, please drop them off in the School Office on Monday/Tuesday. The Shoreside PTA are putting up Christmas trees in the two halls ahead of next Friday's Christmas Fair and they have requested any spare decorations to help fill the trees!
Christmas Jumper Swap Shop
The clothes rail remains in the school foyer for any parent/carer to bring in an unwanted Christmas jumper and swap it for one that fits for your child ahead of Christmas Jumper Day which is on Friday 13th December.
Upcoming Events
The Christmas Fair will take place next Friday (6th December). We are really grateful for all of the donations brought into school today for own clothes day!
We hope you enjoy watching the highlights from this week and have a lovely weekend. See you all on Monday for the start of Week 5!