Weekly Blog - S2/Week 2

World Book Day has spilled out into the whole week with fantastic activities taking place from Masked Reader videos to teacher book swap! Welcome to this week's Weekly Blog!
As Week 2 comes to an end, we have seen lots of fantastic learning taking place. Some learning has taken place with pupils in uniform and some whilst pupils were dressed as their favourite book characters! What a fun-filled week it has been!
Upcoming Events
Messy Science Morning - 10AM-12PM - Tomorrow (Saturday 8th March) - Everyone is welcome for this free event with scientific fun and a free breakfast for everyone! Entry via the Main Hall fire door.
Spring Homework Projects - Monday - Our optional homework projects for this term will be released on Monday!
KS1 Assessment Parent Information Session - 3:20PM - Thursday 13th March - Year 2 parents are invited into the Y2 classroom on Thursday to hear about how Y2 pupils are assessed at the end of Key Stage 1.
PTA AGM - 9:00AM - Friday 14th March - All parents/carers/family members are invited to join the PTA for their Annual General Meeting to discuss plans for the year ahead. Enter via the School Office on Friday morning.
We hope to see you tomorrow morning but regardless of your weekend plans, we hope you have a fantastic two days and we look forward to seeing all pupils back in school on Monday.
Enjoy watching this week's highlights!