Weekly Blog - S2/Week 1

A new half term has started and it's kicked off with a football tournament, a disco, some fantastic learning and lots more! Read on to find out more.
Welcome to Spring 2 and what a great half term we have ahead! It started off this week with our Neon Disco - thanks to Shoreside PTA for organising this. There was also a football tournament on Thursday night so well done to all of the players who represented school.
Next week is World Book Day on Thursday (6th March), as well as an opportunity for Year 4 parents to come into school on Tuesday (4th March) at 3:20PM for information about the statutory Multiplication Table Check which happens in Summer Term.
We also have Messy Science next Saturday (8th March) which runs from 10AM-12PM in the School Hall. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there for scientific fun!
Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy watching the highlights from this week.