Weekly Blog - S1/Week 3

We are already halfway through Spring 1! The half term is flying by and they do say time flies when you're having fun! Have a read of this week's blog to see the highlights from this week.
It's been a brilliant week at Shoreside with lots of exciting things happening. A real highlight of the week was Wednesday where we hosted Stay & Play and Come & See. We love inviting families in to join in with our learning and we hope you all enjoyed it too!
Next Week
Next Friday (31st January) we will be hosting Rock Kidz! All children from PN to Y6 are invited to dress up like a rockstar and join in our rock concert where we will be learning lots of new songs and having lots of fun with our friends.
We can't wait!
We hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy watching the highlights from this week. See you all on Monday!