Weekly Blog - S1/Week 5

It's been another fantastic and busy week in school! Some of our Year 2/3 pupils have been in Crosby Hall and they've been brilliant ambassadors for Shoreside as they participated in a range of exciting activities. Read on for this week's blog with information about next week.
Next week is the final week of this half term. The main event for parents/carers to be aware of is Friday 14th February which is an own clothes day. This is an annual event for Sefton's Love My Community. Our School Council voted along with councils from other schools in Sefton. As a result of this vote, the Air Ambulance Charity has been chosen as this year's nominated charity. We are asking for children to bring £1 to school on Friday in exchange for wearing their own clothes!
Next week is also the final week of enrichment clubs for anyone who was allocated Spring 1 only. This means that Spring 2 allocated groups will start after half term. Many clubs run for the whole of Spring Term as they were not oversubscribed so some clubs will continue as normal after half term. You will be aware of which clubs are impacted from the original messages but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office and check with Mrs Kennedy.
Here are the highlights from this week. We hope you enjoy watching them and see you all on Monday!